We Help Build & Grow Companies


We are a New York-based marketing agency dedicated to the meaningful positioning of tech companies. We aim at the results, not hours of work, so it is important first to assess the company and agree on what it needs first.

New York City is currently ranked #2 in the amount of venture capital pouring into startups. It also has an ecosystem which makes it the media capital of the world. If you are not in New York but would like to enter the market, try our assessment to get a ready-to-go plan and recommendations for your digital presence.

Our project

The Vivid Minds is a space for doers — adventurous people who take risks and aim to make an impact. There is nothing easy about starting a new venture; any successful founder has dealt with their fair share of loss, debt, doubt, and struggle. Whether you’re handling a life obstacle or want to get your latest passion project off the ground, these accounts will show you how creative people from around the world have faced and rose above the challenges as they strove to make something new.

Notice: This is a separate independent project, and we do not provide any paid placements. Please nominate a person via a website form if you are interested in participating.

Our services

Nourishing your online and offline presence to make things work.

Comms Strategy & Content Plan

We believe in good products and, even more, in the bold people that stand behind them to make great stories. We don’t work on more than three projects at a time, so we choose our partners carefully.

The best media coverage happens when people want to talk about you, not when you force them to. We would rather see one deep and thoughtful article in a major magazine than send out a hundred flattering press releases. As former journalists, we respect journalism, and we understand what outlets want to cover.

Building Community

With dozens of social media channels, you don’t really know where you need to be. Rather than trying to get on a hype, we suggest figure out the goals and come up with a plan to achieve it. Each company wants to create a sustainable community today. Same as people want to maintain trustworthy friends over time, brands should put efforts into keeping and bringing new adapts.

We help present your product to influencers and people who can draw attention of a wider crowd to it. We help create unique messages and spread them across the countries. Building a community is one of our favorite things to do.


While working with companies, we have noticed that many of them are struggling with the first point – where to start. If they have never had a PR manager, those things like bringing awareness can be tricky. Here is our special treat — we assess the company and create a plan of future activities in order to resolve problems. Your choice to either continue the way with us or try someone else. Typically, comms agencies will charge you $10K-$20K per month and will do only a part of this work.

Try assessment.
Get a ready-to-go plan in 20 days.

Thought leadership

In this competitive world, your name is often the only thing that sets you apart from your competitors. Whether you’re a coach, a startup founder or a corporate employee wanting to increase your salary, get publicity or find a side hustle, we’ll help you craft your story.

We’ve received countless responses from founders about how they have changed their lives and used those stories to help them go further. We would love to interview you to find out your challenges and create a unique story for you!

Drop us a line


Our team of experienced organizers will help you create a fabulous dinner for potential partners or a fruitful breakfast for influencers. A well executed event helps you attract more customers and provide awareness. We organize events from scratch starting with research or can join in the later stages.

Blockchain Visionnaire Summit (BVS)

Location: Berlin

Scope of work: speakers, content, program, sponsors, attendees.

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Full packed event in Berlin on blockchain in the summer. The attendees appreciated the high quality crowd and dedicated approach to everyone. Read about it in the article “Inaugural Blockchain Visionnaire Summit Gives Voice to Berlin’s Crypto Scene.”

Fintech on the Block

Location: San Francisco

Scope of work: media partners, journalists, moderators and attendees.

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Here is what speakers were saying about the event:

Tim Draper (invested in Coinbase, Robinhood, Tesla and other companies): ‘This is a terrific conference. It is well put together and has a really interesting combination of different people.”

Mattheu Soule, Deputy CEO at L’Atelier BNP Paribas: “Networking and catching up with different speakers and startups at the event is very efficient, everybody is here, so it is saving me a lot of time”.

Sam Cassatt, Chief Strategy Officer at ConsenSys: “This conference is a particularly good one because it’s focusing on fintech, not purely on blockchain. It’s a great opportunity to see how what we are doing is perceived by other players in the industry.”

Investor Blockchain Dinner

Location: New York

Scope of work: speakers, content, program, sponsors, attendees.

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А family style dinner with the leading investors and CEOs during an engaging conversation about the current state of blockchain.

Attendees include: Goldman Sachs, Citi, JP Morgan, IBM Ventures, Republic, Rubicon Venture Capital, family offices, and others.

Get in Touch

Visit us in New York or drop a line on ac@blueberrystorytelling.com